Crane Industrial News

Journal of Health Quality - JHQ-C

Journal of Health Quality - JHQ-C

  • Thursday, 04 July 2024
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Journal of Health Quality - JHQ-C

The bimonthly journal for the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ).jhq-c JHQ is a professional forum that continuously advances healthcare quality practice in diverse and changing environments and serves as the first choice for creative and scientific solutions in the pursuit of healthcare quality.jhq-c JHQ is indexed in Thomson Reuter's Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and Current Contents. It is $105 for non-members and free for NAHQ members, who consider it one of their main membership benefits.


Polyurethane rubber buffer is a device installed on a trolley or crane to prevent collision between the hoist and the trolley or the crane and its cab.jhq-c It is spray-treated and designed for low-frequency collision. The rubber is made of high-quality material with good abrasion resistance, cushioning effect and long service life. Based on its way of connection, the product is divided into three series: stud type (JHQ-A), platen type (JHQ-B) and flange-plate type (JHQ-C). Each series has 14 to 21 specifications, each corresponding to a specific buffer capacity. The stud-type is the standard product for hoist trolleys, while the platen-type and flange-plate type are used in bridge cranes and gantry cranes. They can be used in both indoor and outdoor applications.

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